Denim Day/SAAM Shirt

Denim Day on April 24 is a call for community members to wear denim as a visible means of protesting the myths surrounding sexual assault in our community. This year marks the 25th anniversary of Denim Day.

Please complete this Denim Day T-shirt form by Friday, April 19 at midnight to guarantee a t-shirt to wear with your denim on April 24. We will accept donations beyond this date, but t-shirt availability and size will be limited.

T-Shirts can be picked up at Malone 301 starting Monday, April 22 (you will receive an email reminding you to pick up your shirts).

The requested donation amounts per shirt are:

$6 for students
• $12 for faculty/staff/alumni/friends of LMU

All donation proceedings will go to the Rape Treatment Center in Santa Monica. Thank you to LMU HR for co-sponsoring Denim Day!